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Showing posts from March, 2020

Quarantine Crafts

It's an understatement to say that we are in strange times, but I'm not sure how else to put it.  Two weeks ago, I was living my typical life and today I'm working from home, in a make-shift office in my craft room, with the government suggesting I stay home for the foreseeable future.  I am well aware that this pandemic is negatively affecting many people and completely upsetting their life balance, due to illness, job loss or otherwise.  I consider myself very lucky to have employment, a stocked pantry, and my health, during these times. I am choosing to view this time in my life as a gift.  Never before, and never again, will I be ordered to stay home and slow down every day life.  This freedom from the daily grind has allowed me to spend more time with my husband, to be more present in the moment (whether completing yard work, or my working from home responsibilities), and to explore new facets of my crafting hobby that I wouldn't have had the time or energy to o