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Showing posts from 2022

Looking Ahead

The new year is on the horizon!  So what is coming for Yarrrn Matey this year?  Keep reading! Plans can change so I will give myself grace if not all of this occurs but I am aiming high for 2023. Cue the Fireworks! I'm starting the year off with a bang!  Yarrrn Matey is officially a business! Without getting into all the details in this post (maybe I'll do that in another if you want), I have taken the step out of "other income" and into an actual business.   Yarn Collections I want to release at least four yarn collections this year, and will be exploring an additional advent style box at the end of the year.  All of these collections will be ready to ship and will be listed online.  I am currently working on a space themed collection that will be dropped in January.  You can follow along colorway previews  here .  I'll be sharing more details and finished pictures of the collection in mid January. In Person Events I want to increase the amount of in person event

And...I'm Back!

 Hello All!! Jeez, has it been a while.  I have been exploring so many parts of yarn and yarn crafts and trying to figure out what I enjoy doing and what I want to focus on.  There seem to be so many things to divide your attention today...whether it is which social media to focus on, to keep or not to keep a blog, if newsletters are a good idea, which platform to use for selling items, or which direction to point your business can be so overwhelming. After doing some exploration and being real with myself about what I like to do, I have settled finished pieces and yarn dyeing.  I'm not saying I'll never write a pattern again but it is not going to be my primary focus at this time.  I also enjoy creative writing so I'll be trying to update this blog more often (shouldn't be difficult given my current track record hehehe).  I am working on planning my upcoming year and really trying to get Yarrrn Matey off the ground but first I want to reflect on this past