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Buying Craft Supplies On A Budget

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a bargain hunter and hate paying full price for anything' so naturally, I've received a lot of questions from people about finding good deals on craft supplies.  There is a time and a place to spend full price on yarn or other supplies.

  • The item is made by a small business
  • The colorway or design is something you cannot imagine walking away from
  • You have an ideal project in mind 

I've certainly bit the bullet and ponied up some dough when I just can't walk away from a full price item.

That being said, craft supply costs can add up quickly, especially when you like working with many different mediums.  Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks for buying craft supplies on a budget:
  1. Price Match! Michaels will price match Amazon (Amazon prices only, not independent sellers) as well as other competitors.  I'll take a few minutes in the supply aisle to search the item and see if I can find it cheaper elsewhere before hitting the check out.  Simply show the staff at the check out the pricing, and they will change the item cost at the register.  I save a ton of money on Lion Brand Jeans yarn when the pricing was half price on Amazon.                                                           Here are links to some coupon and price matching policies:  Michaels    Joann     Hobby Lobby 
  2. Don't always shop the sales!  Sometimes the item may only be 20% off, but most craft stores have a standing 40-60% off on regular price item coupon.  You're better off pulling the coupon up on your phone and avoiding the sale.
  3. Check the stickers!  The stores near me may have supplies in the normal aisle that are actually on sale or clearance but have not been pulled into the clearance aisle.  I frequently glance at a few stickers to check if they've been marked down before trusting the price signs. 
  4. Download the apps and subscribe to the email list! Having the store apps often make it easier to pull coupons up at checkout, and some may alert you to sales in your area.  The emails will often contain coupons or "doorbuster" type sale alerts.
  5. Be prepared to walk away and wait!  If you have your heart set on an item, by all means, buy it...but if I can walk away from an expensive yarn knowing that the project can wait, or that I'll be able to find another yarn that will suit my need if this one is no longer available, I will.  
  6. Plan your projects!  "Oooh! That yarn is gorgeous, I'll buy 2 skiens.  OoOh! This texture! I'll buy a few." Quickly turns into a room full of supplies and no vision for what they will become.  Try not to buy any supplies without knowing what you are using them for, and how much you need.  This will prevent waste and unnecessary purchasing!  You also won't feel guilty for having a bunch of stuff around that you're not doing anything with!
  7. Shop the clearance section!  Everything in the clearance section, was once on regular shelves.  The item is not inferior, it's just cheaper and probably in limited supply!  Sometimes there are even coupons that are applicable to clearance items and you can save even more money.
  8. Don't be afraid to re purpose items!  One of my favorite finds is the Michael's clearance bags where you're paying 5$ for a bag of supplies, or a pile of signs duct taped together that didn't sell by the end of the season.  Yes, you read that correctly, 5$!  These are typically "mystery" bags, and it may be difficult to tell what is inside.  Although this tip slightly flies in the face of my tip 6, try to look through the bag or get a glance at the signs and see if they are prime for re purposing.  Donate any items included that you will not use immediately.  In the past, I got a stack of 4 framed signs for only 5$ that I can easily paint over, and create new signs.  
  9. Think outside the box!  From time to time, you may find excellent supplies at low price points at discount stores such as Big Lots, Ocean State Job Lot,  and The Dollar Tree.  This is harder to plan but I have found yarn, glasses, and wood signs in each of these places.  Keep an eye out during your shopping trips.  
  10. Follow other makers on social media!  Community over competition is a huge theme in the maker world.  Frequently, established makers will post links to sales, or discount codes for sites.  Follow people who foster other makers, and will share this information from time to time. 
Do you have any tips and tricks that help your crafting budget remain more manageable?  Please comment below!


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