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Kraken Clutch Pattern

Well, it's finally here! My first published crochet pattern.  I've spent the last four years writing patterns for myself and using them as cheat sheets but they probably wouldn't be understood by most people!  It's time I grew up and made the transition into something legible for other people!
This clutch has a modern finish but uses very classic crochet stitches.  It's perfect for a night out to dinner, or on the town with your friends (once that's allowed again!).  I chose these beautiful shades of gray and green, to subtly highlight the diagonal stripe but it'd be pretty in any of the beautiful colors offered by Lion Brand.
I hope you enjoy making this clutch as much as I did!

Skill Level

1 Skein: Approx. 123 yards      Lion Brand Rewind Tape Yarn (Color A) Olive You
1 Skein: Approx. 2 yards          Lion Brand Rewind Tape Yarn (Color B) Moto Jacket

Size K 6.5mm Crochet Hook

Other Materials
Choice of Fastener (I used a button, needle, and thread)
Scissors or Yarn Snips
2 Stitch Markers

US Terminology
Ch : Chain
Sc : Single Crochet
Dc : Double Crochet
Sl St : Slip Stitch
Sc Dec : Single Crochet Decrease
St : Stitch

Ch 1 does not count as a stitch

With color A, Ch. 41
Row 1. Sc in 2nd Ch from hook, Dc in next Ch, "Sc in next Ch, Dc in next Ch" repeat "" 18 more times, Ch 1, turn your work (40)
Rows 2-21. Sc in 1st St, Dc in next St, "Sc in next St, Dc in next St" repeat "" 18 more times, Ch 1, turn your work (40)

Fold your work in half, with beginning chain on left side of work as shown.  This will have your stitches running up and down, versus side to side.

At this point, your hook should be on the top left corner of your work, attached to the bottom layer.  Starting on the front layer, insert your hook through the first stitch in both panels.  Sl St.  Your 2 layers should now be attached to each other.
Repeat this Sl St, attaching both layers, in each st down the side of your work.  This should bring you to the fold. (20)
Cut off, sew in ends.

Now you're going to reattach in the bottom right side of your work next to the fold line if holding the purse horizontally.  You should be 20 St down from the top of your work.
Place yarn on hook, and insert hook from the BACK layer through the front in the first St of each layer.  Sl St.
Reinsert the hook through the same St from the BACK, and Sl St.
Repeat this Sl St, attaching both layers, in each St up the side of your work.  (20)
Do NOT cut off yarn.

At this point, you have the bag portion of the clutch, and now we need to complete the flap.

We are going to be working on the top of the back panel of the bag and we'll be using both colors A and B.
Row 1. With color A, evenly space 29 Sc along the top of the back panel of the bag.  I like to place a stitch marker mid way so I know I'm spacing evenly.  Additionally, place a stitch marker in your first Sc, this will help you to spot it later. Ch 1, turn your work.
**In the next row we are introducing color B.  Carry color A throughout your color B stitches!**
Row 2. Color A: Sc in next 4 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 19 St, Ch 1, turn your work (29)
Row 3. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, SC in next 16 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 3 St, 1 Sc Dec, Ch 1, turn your work(27)
Row 4. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, Sc in next 3 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 14 St, 1 Sc Dec, Ch 1, turn your work (25)
Row 5. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, SC in next 12 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 3 St, 1 Sc Dec, Ch 1, turn your work(23)
Row 6. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, Sc in next 3 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 10 St, 1 Sc Dec, Ch 1, turn your work (21)
Row 7. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, SC in next 8 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 3 St, 1 Sc Dec, Ch 1, turn your work(19)
Row 8. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, Sc in next 3 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 6 St, 1 Sc Dec, Ch 1, turn your work (17)
Row 9. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, SC in next 4 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 3 St, 1 Sc Dec, Ch 1, turn your work(15)
Row 10. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, Sc in next 3 St, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 2 St, 1 Sc Dec, Ch 1, turn your work (13)
Row 11. Color A: 1 Sc Dec, Color B: Sc in next 6 St, Color A: Sc in next 3 St, 1 Sc Dec (11)
Cut Off, sew in ends

I chose to add a button but I didn't want it to show on the outside of my bag.  I sewed the button to the rear of the flap, and it'll button into the bag, as shown below.

My purse did not require blocking, however, if you tend to stitch tightly, you may require this step in order for the purse to be shaped properly.

Please do not copy, redistribute or sell my pattern in any way. You are more than welcome to sell your finished Kraken Clutch. I just ask that you please credit me for the pattern so other makers can find me as well. You may not use my pictures and pass them off as your own for they are my property. Thank you for your understanding.


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